Cheshire Little League - Spring Baseball Divisions
Tee Ball
Determine your player's Little League age for this season: Little League Age Calculator
Tee Ball
(Age: 4-6)
Tee Ball is for players four to six (4-6) years old and is often a family's first introduction to the game. Players will learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding, while having fun and staying active. Each Little Leaguer is required to play one season of Tee Ball before being eligible to advance to a higher division. Rosters are typically composed of between 6-10 players.
Tee Ball players are required to use USA Tee Ball bats and soft balls designed specifically for this level of play. All players bat in every inning and all play the field. No score is kept in Tee Ball.
Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this entry level of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within Cheshire Little League.
Cheshire Youth Baseball is thrilled to have our Player Agent & Cheshire High School Coach LeFevre, in addition to his Coaching Staff and players conduct the 4-week Tee Ball Camp again for the 2025 season. In place of games, players will participate in skills development drills and mini-games to introduce baseball skills while staying active. At conclusion Coach LeFevre provides Tee Ball Coaches with practice plans, drill instruction and team building games to continue player development throughout the season.
Coach Pitch
(Age: 5-7)
The AA-baseball division is also known as Little League Coach Pitch. By league option, a league-age five or six (5-6) player for the current season and has played a year in Tee Ball is eligible to participate in a Coach Pitch division. An league-age seven (7) player, who has already played one (1) year of AA-baseball, may opt to repeat this Coach Pitch division depending on desire and skill level. Team rosters are typically 10-12 players.
This is an instructional division for players that have completed one season of Tee Ball level baseball. There are no walks nor hit batters awarded first base in a Coach Pitch league, all batter are encouraged to swing for contact until a hit, batted out or three strikes. There are no stolen bases allowed. Each team is limited to five runs in each half-inning. Games are six innings long and limited to one hour. Youth umpires officiate AA division games.
Hybrid Pitch: Coach & Player
(Age: 7-8)
The AAA-baseball division uniquely combines coach and player pitch type play. Cheshire Little League considers the AAA-division a critical phase in player skills development, with increased focus on pitcher and catcher opportunities for all players. Preseason player evaluations begin at the AAA level to determine a player's readiness for this division. A league-age seven (7) player may play up to this division, assuming they have played at least one (1) year in AA-division.
In AAA-division the primary goal is to prepare players to advance towards full player pitch in the Minor and Majors divisions. At the start of the year games will be played as coach pitch, with identical rules to the AA-division. At the middle of the season, following skills development at practices, players pitch between two an four (2-4) innings. In AAA, during player pitch there are no walks allowed, after four balls a coach will pitch until a hit, 3-strikes, or batted out occurs. A hit batter takes their base if hit by a player pitcher. Two (2) stolen bases (2nd or 3rd base) are permitted during player pitch. Stealing home is not permitted. Each team is limited to five runs in each half-inning. Games are six innings long and limited to no-new-inning after 1hr 45min. Unlimited runs are permitted in the final inning, fielding team must get three outs.
Player Pitch
(Age: 9-10)
The Minors division is for players league age nine and ten (9-10). This division is exclusively player-pitch. Players move up to the standard Little League field with a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance of 46 feet. In the Minors division, unlimited base stealing is permitted once the ball passes the batter. Stealing home is limited to two (2) successful attempts per half-inning. The dropped 3rd-strike and infield-fly rules are not enforced in this division.
No game-ending mercy rules ("Run Rule") are in effect except for half-inning run limits: Each team is limited to five runs in each half-inning. Games are six innings long and limited to no-new-inning after 1hr 45min. Unlimited runs are permitted in the final inning, fielding team must get three outs.
NEW FOR 2025 
This upcoming season the Cheshire Youth Baseball will enter a 10U division All Star team to compete for the Junior Little League Baseball World Series! Inclusion of a tournament program gives players at this age the opportunity to experience competitive competition. All players registered in Minors division and completing eight (8) qualifying games can tryout for the All Star team. Tournament fees and jerseys are provided by CYB, at no extra fee to player's families thanks to our generous sponsors.
Player Pitch
(Age: 11-12)
The Majors division is for players league age nine and ten (11-12). This division is exclusively player-pitch. All games are played on a regulation size Little League field with 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance of 46 feet. In the Majors division, unlimited base stealing is permitted once the ball passes the batter. Stealing home is limited to two (2) successful attempts per half-inning. Little League Majors division rules apply.
No game-ending mercy rules ("Run Rule") are in effect except for half-inning run limits: Each team is limited to five runs in each half-inning. Games are six innings long and limited to no-new-inning after 1hr 45min. Unlimited runs are permitted in the final inning, fielding team must get three outs.
There is a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 11-12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.
A Majors division 12U All Stars team will be selected from eligible players. All players registered in Majors division and completing eight (8) qualifying games are eligible for All Star team selection. Tournament fees and jerseys are provided by CYB, at no extra fee to player's families thanks to our generous sponsors.

The Cheshire 12U All Stars begin their journey with competitive play in Connecticut District 4. The competition moves then to State level, Regionals, and culminates in the International Tournament of the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.